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To sum up, Gibbs Sampling is an alternative to random sampling to derive posterior samples in Bayesian Statistics. It is a way of continuously selecting conditional and dependent samples from an unknown population with multiple dimensions.

The main point of Gibbs sampling is used when we want to draw samples for multiple unknown parameters, it is more simpler and feasible to sample from conditional distributions than from the joint.

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ritvikmath. 2021. “Gibbs Sampling : Data Science Concepts.” www.youtube.com. https://youtu.be/7LB1VHp4tLE.
Srihari, Sargur. n.d. “Machine Learning Srihari 1 Gibbs Sampling.” Accessed April 30, 2023. https://cedar.buffalo.edu/~srihari/CSE574/Chap11/Ch11.4-Gibbs%20Sampling.pdf.
Steorts, Rebecca. n.d. “Module 7: Introduction to Gibbs Sampling.” http://www2.stat.duke.edu/~rcs46/modern_bayes17/lecturesModernBayes17/lecture-7/07-gibbs.pdf.
Wicklin, Rick. 2015. “Plot the Conditional Distribution of the Response in a Linear Regression Model.” The DO Loop. https://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2015/09/10/plot-distrib-reg-model.html.
Zvornicanin, Enes. 2023. “Introduction to Gibbs Sampling.” Baeldung CS. https://www.baeldung.com/cs/gibbs-sampling.
